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WWMU Interview with Kenji Azuma

City, province/state, country: 

Tokyo, Japan

What is your first memory related to music? 

When I was a child, my parents took me to the Blue Note in Tokyo. I was just watching the show, unassuming…when suddenly Ralph MacDonald took me on stage and did a solo with my body (using a squeaky toy hammer!).

This is my strongest memory.

What were your first steps in music?

My father is a drummer, so I started to play drums organically.

Why did you choose your particular instrument(s)?

My first instrument for playing ambient music, which I started doing recently, was the HAPI Drum (steel tongue drum). I didn’t know about scales, chords, music theory…but I wanted to play an instrument with a scale. That’s why I chose it.

Lately I’ve been sampling the sound of a salad bowl, a drop of water, chopsticks…any sound could be music.

When I started to play the HAPI Drum, I didn’t know the genre of Ambient music. I learned it from nature.

I’m drawn to the “good sound” that I feel. Many times it's not even from instruments.

Kenji 2

What could be improved in your country with regard to the business and culture of music?

Music should be based on people’s daily lives.
Like it was for ancient people. Music is not for only musicians.

Current / next creative project that you’re excited about…tell us more!

“nemu.” is my new project with a violinist.
I’m inexperienced with classical music.
Super excited about fusing our styles!

Is there a new creative direction / kind of project you would like to explore in the future?

I envision an ambient album without instruments.
All beings have beautiful sounds. This is my next concept.

Favorite project you’ve worked on?

“Nature sessions”, which are improvised sessions with different musicians in natural spaces. The score is the flow of nature.

One bit of advice for someone starting out in your field?

There is no correct answer. No one can judge your sound. Just follow what you feel.