You are currently viewing World premiere of WWMU mini-documentary highlighting Sound Therapy program.

World premiere of WWMU mini-documentary highlighting Sound Therapy program.

Three years after the release of WWMU’s feature length documentary, The Power of Sound and Music, we celebrate the resonance that has given rise to new initiatives like SaMa, which continue to thrive and multiply worldwide.

At the heart of our Sound Therapy program, SaMa has been delivering the therapeutic capacities of sound and music to people spending the final moments of their lives in nursing homes and hospice care centers. WWMU is actively seeking to expand important work like this in the U.S. as well as in new settings and communities around the world. Your support can help make it happen!

We hope you enjoy SaMa: Music as a Community Service— a heartwarming journey that highlights the healing power of music, and is sure to provide a welcome moment of calm in your day as well…